Sabtu, 21 April 2012

Sejarah Bahasa Inggris Sebagai Bahasa Asing di Indonesia

Bahasa Inggris di Indonesia secara umum diajarkan sebagai bahasa asing. Istilah ‘bahasa asing’ dalam bidang pengajaran bahasa berbeda dengan ‘bahasa kedua’. Bahasa asing adalah bahasa yang yang tidak digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi di negara tertentu di mana bahasa tersebut diajarkan. Sementara bahasa kedua adalah bahasa yang bukan bahasa utama namun menjadi salah satu bahasa yang digunakan secara umum di suatu negara.
Sebagai contoh, bahasa Inggris di Singapura adalah bahasa kedua. Media massa, komunikasi, dan pembicaraan di negara tersebut kerap menggunakan bahasa Inggris.
Sementara Bahasa asing biasanya diajarkan sebagai salah satu mata pelajaran di sekolah dengan tujuan berkomunikasi dasar serta menguasai 4 skill berbahasa (menyimak, membaca, menulis, berbicara) dalam bahasa tersebut dalam batasan tertentu.
Di Indonesia, kebijakan pengajaran Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing berubah seiring waktu dan pergantian kebijakan yang kebanyakan dipengaruhi ekonomi dan politik.
Untuk lebih jelasnya, mari kita pelajari sejarah Bahasa Inggris di Indonesia…
Jaman Belanda
Pada masa peperangan dengan Belanda, Bahasa Inggris diajarkan di MULO (Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs) yang setara dengan SMP dan AMS (Algemeene Middlebare School) yang setara dengan SMA.
Pada masa ini, selain anak-anak Belanda, hanya orang-orang pribumi tertentu yang mampu dan diijinkan bersekolah di MULO dan AMS. Sebagian besar anak pribumi biasa hanya sekolah hingga tingkat yang setara SD saat sekarang.
Kondisi ini turut mempengaruhi pengajaran Bahasa Inggris.
Dan jangan salah, kondisi sekolah pada jaman Belanda ini konon sangat bagus. Guru-guru mendapat gaji besar, material pengajaran mencukupi, dan sistem pengajaran dan ujian sangat berkualitas. Wajar, karena sebagian besar yang sekolah hanyalah orang-orang berduit, terpandang, atau anak orang Belanda.
Lulusan MULO biasanya mampu berbahasa Inggris dengan sangat baik. Selain itu, mereka juga wajib menguasai bahasa Belanda serta memilih pelajaran bahasa pilihan Prancis atau German, serta bahasa lokal (Jawa/Melayu).
Namun membandingkan kondisi pengajaran di sekolah pada jaman Belanda dan sekarang tidaklah adil, karena saat itu, sekolah bersifat elit dan kemewahan adalah bagian dari elitisitas tersebut.
Jaman Jepang
Pada masa peperangan dengan Jepang, kondisi sebaliknya terjadi. Bahasa Belanda, Inggris, dan bahasa Eropa lainnya dilarang total digunakan di Indonesia. Semua buku yang berbahasa tersebut dimusnahkan dan dibakar. Sedihnya, keputusan pembakaran buku ini berdampak hingga saat ini, di mana sangat sedikit referensi sejarah yang bangsa Indonesia miliki tentang negerinya sendiri.
Sisi lainnya, Jepang merubah secara radikal sistem pendidikan, dari elitis menjadi egalitarian. Semua orang harus sekolah.
Selain itu, bahasa Jepang diajarkan secara intensif dan bahkan ditargetkan menjadi ‘bahasa kedua’ di Indonesia. Ditambah, pada masa Jepang ini lah banyak buku-buku asing yang diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Jaman Kemerdekaan
Bahasa Inggris secara resmi diajarkan sebagai bahasa asing di sekolah-sekolah Indonesia seiring dengan keputusan Mentri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan pada tahun 1967.
Sejak saat itu, perubahan menteri, kurikulum, keadaan politik, ekonomi dan perkembangan ilmu pendidikan, terus mewarnai perkembangan pengajaran Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing di Indonesia.
Mulai dari sistem pengajaran di mana siswa diwajibkan menghapal sekian ratus kata dan artinya dalam waktu tertentu, menguasai grammar, lalu berubah ke orientasi bahasa Inggris untuk komunikasi, sampai ke isu pengajaran bahasa Inggris untuk anak-anak saat ini.
Yang perlu menjadi catatan adalah dana trilyunan rupiah yang dikeluarkan untuk menyelenggarakan beragam pelatihan, seminar, peningkatan kualitas guru, perubahan kurikulum, pengadaan fasilitas bahasa semacam laboratorium hingga kamus dan semacamnya. Sebagian dari usaha ini membawa hasil positif, sebagian lainnya tidak jelas.
Mulai dari pendirian model pelatihan ekperimental yang disebut Standard Training Course (STC) di Bukit Tinggi dan Yogyakarta pada tahun 1950an (catatan penting: didanai oleh Ford FOundation), lalu pendirian Perguruan Tinggi Pendidikan Guru di Malang yang lalu berubah menjadi IKIP malang (sekarang Uiversitas Negeri Malang), hingga kontroversi Sekolah Berstandar Internasional saat ini.
Masalahnya adalah, konon sebagian besar dana yang digunakan untuk proyek-proyek pendidikan ini berasal dari pinjaman luar negeri, dan tentu saja, harus dikembalikan.
Beberapa catatan
Pada tahun 1960-an, ada dua kementrian yang mengurusi masalah pendidikan di Indonesia, yaitu Menteri Pendidikan Dasar dan Kebudayaan serta Menteri Perguruan Tinggi dan Ilmu Pengetahuan. Celakanya, konon kedua pejabat tersebut saling berbeda pandangan, yang satu cederung kiri yang lain cenderung nasionalis. Dan hal ini turut mempengaruhi perkembangan pendidikan di Indonesia.
Kondisi politik 1960-an di mana faham komunis berjaya, membuat sebagian besar tenaga pengajar asing (khususnya dari negara barat) meninggalkan Indonesia, dan menciptakan kesenjangan proses perkembangan pendidikan.
Kontroversi pengajaran Bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Dasar. Sebagian pihak berpendapat mengajarkan bahasa Inggris pada siswa SD akan sangat bagus bagi perkembangan anak ke depannya. Namun di sisi lain, perbedaan kondisi sosial, ekonomi dan geo-politik daerah-daerah di Indonesia, menciptakan perbedaan kualitas sekolah dan latar belakang siswa, sehingga ada siswa-siswa yang jangankan berbahasa Inggris, bahasa Indonesia dasar saja mereka belum menguasai secara baik.
Bahasa Inggris adalah bisnis yang besar. Jutaan dolar mengalir ke negara produsen material pengajaran Bahasa Inggris (USA, UK, Australia) dalam bentuk pembelian materi audio-visual, buku, sumber daya manusia dan lain-lain.
Bantuan-bantuan dari negara tersebut di atas dalam bentuk proyek pelatihan bahasa Inggris, beasiswa dan sebagainya bukanlah ketulusan. Semakin banyak penguasa bahasa Inggris di negara ini, semakin mudah penyebaran faham dan ideologi mereka. Ditambah, hubungan ekonomi, politik, bisnis, akan lebih gampang jika dilakukan dalam bahasa yang sama.


tips merawat rambut berminyak

Penyebab rambut berminyak salah satunya adalah faktor genetika. Tapi jika Anda merasa rambut Anda tiba-tiba saja berminyak, boleh jadi hal ini berhubungan dengan konsumsi makanan Anda. Makanan-makanan pedas dan makanan yang mengandung bumbu kari ternyata dapat meningkatkan produksi cairan pada kelenjar keringan lebih banyak dari biasanya. Rambutpun jadi lebih berminyak. Rambut yang berminyak akan kerap terlihat kusam, dan juga sulit untuk menatanya. Oleh karena itu, Anda perlu mengetahui bagaimana cara merawat rambut yang tepat.
Memiliki jenis rambut yang berminyak memang menjadi masalah tersendiri. Rambut kerap tampak kusam dan juga sulit untuk menatanya. Agar rambut berminyak tidak terlihat lepek, Anda perlu mengetahui cara merawat rambut yang tepat.
Berikut ini adalah tips cara mengatasi dan merawat rambut berminyak:

  1. Gunakan shampoo ringan (mild shampoo), shampoo khusus untuk rambut berminyak dan shampo bayi.
  2. Cuci rambut setiap hari, fokuskan pencucian pada rambut (pada helai rambut) bukan pada kulit kepala, karena jika difokuskan pada kulit kepala, hal ini justru akan mengeringkan.
  3. Bilas rambut dengan air dingin secara menyeluruh. Karena jika menggunakan air hangat dapat membuat kulit kepala semakin berminyak
  4. Salah satu masalah dari rambut yang berminyak adalah ketombe. Perawatannya adalah dengan menggunakan minyak panas yang dibalurkan pada kulit kepala. Bisa menggunakan minyak kelapa atau jojoba. Setelah perawatan dengan minyak panas, cuci rambut sampai bersih.
  5. Gunakan kondisioner hanya di ujung-ujung rambut saja. Hindari menggunakan kondisioner pada batang rambut yang berada di dekat akar rambut.
  6. Rambut berminyak biasanya sudah Nampak berkilau, jadi hindari menggunakan gel rambut. Karena hal tersebut justru akan membuat rambut semakin nampak berminyak dan kusam.
  7. Jangan terlalu sering menyisir rambut, karena gesekan sisir pada kulit kepala memicu produksi minyak berlebih
    Anda juga bisa menggunakan bahan tradisional dengan buah lemon, caranya alurkan jus lemon pada kulit kepala dan rambut untuk mengurangi minyak pada rambut dan kulit kepala.

tugas softskill meet 3

 Bening Amrullah (26209543) 3eb13

Softskill_Meeting 3
In 776 B.C., the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to honor the Greeks’ chief god, Zeus. The warm climate for outdoor activities, the need for preparedness in war, and their lifestyle caused the Greeks to create competitive sports. Only the elite and military could participate at first, but later the games were open to all free Greek males who had no criminal record. The Greeks emphasized physical fitness and strength in their education of youth. Therefore, contest in running, jumping, discuss and javelin throwing, boxing, and horse and chariot racing were held in individual cities, and the winners competed every four years at Mount Olympus. Winners were greatly honored by having olive wreaths placed on their heads and having poems sung about their deeds. Originally these contests were held as games of friendship, and any wars in progress were halted to allow the games to take place. They also helped to strengthen bonds among competitors and the different cities represented.
            The Greeks attached so much importance to the games that they calculated time in four-year cycles called “Olympiads,” dating from 776 B.C. The contest coincided with religious festivities and constituted an all-out effort on the part of the participants to please the gods. Any who disobeyed the rules were dismissed and seriously punished. These athletes brought shame not only to themselves, but also to the cities they represented.

1. Which of the following is NOT true?
a.      Winners placed olive wreaths on their own heads.
b.      The games were held in Greece every four years.
c.       Battles were interrupted to participate in the games.
d.      Poem glorified the winners in song.
The answer : C. Battles were interrupted to participate in the games.
Because in the first paragraph is written... and the wars in progress were halted to allow the games to take place”, so the battles were not interrupted to parcipate in the games, but the true is the battles were stopped.
2.  The word “elite” in line 5 is closest in meaning to…
a.      Aristocracy                                          
b.      Brave
c. intellectuals        
 d. muscular                                               
 The answer : A. Aristocracy 
Because the meaning of elite and aristocracy are same
3.     Why were the Olympic Games held?
a.      To stop wars                                
b.      To honor Zeus     
c. To crown the best athletes 
d. To sing songs about the athletes                       
The answer : B. To honor Zeus
Because in the first paragraph is written “In 776 B.C., the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to honor the Greeks’ chief god, Zeus.”

4.      Approximately how many years ago did these games originate?
a.      800 years            
b. 1,200 years            
c. 2,300 years             
d. 2,800 years
The answer : D. 2800 years
Because in the first paragraph is written “In 776 B.C., the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to honor the Greek’s chief god, Zeus”. If we count from the first year of Olympic Games in 776 B.C. until now, 2012, it’s approximately 2800 years ago.

5.      What conclusion can we draw about the ancient Greeks?
a.      They were pacifists.
b.      They believed athletic events were important
c.       They were very simple
d.      They couldn’t count, so they used “Olympiads” for dates
The answer : B. They believed athletic events were important
Because in the second paragraph is written “The Greeks attached so much importance to the games that they calculated time in four-year cycles called “Olympiads,” dating from 776 B.C.”

6.      What is the main idea of this passage?
a.      Physical fitness was an integral part of the lives of the ancient Greeks
b.      The Greeks severely punished those who did not participate in physical fitness programs
c.       The Greeks had always encouraged everyone to participate in the games
d.      The Greeks had the games coincide with religious festivities so that they could go back to war when the games were over.
The answer : A.   Physical fitness was an integral part of the lives of the ancient Greeks
Because The story is telling about Olympic Games and physical fitness which important for the ancient Greeks.

7.      In line 14, the word “deeds” is closest in meaning to
a.      Accomplishments
b.      Ancestors
c.       Documents
d.      Property
The answer : A. Accomplishments
Because in Indonesian the mean of “deeds” is tindakan or perbuatan. And Accomplishments in indonesian is penyelesaian, prestasi, or kemahiran. So between deeds and accomplishments are same meaning .

8.      Which of the following was ultimately required of all athletes competing in the Olympics?
a.      They must have completed military service
b.      They had to attend special training sessions
c.       They had to be Greek males with no criminal record
d.      They had to be very religious
The answer : C. They had to be Greek males with no criminal record
Because in the first paragraph is written “but later the games were open to all free Greek males who had no criminal record.”

9.      The word “halted” in line 16 means most nearly the same as ..
a.      Encourages
b.      Started
c.       Curtailed
d.      Fixed
The answer : C. Curtailed
Because in Indonesian halted is “berhenti” and closest in meaning to curtailed that’s meaning to “berkurang”.

10.  What is an “Olympiad”?
a.      The time it took to finish the games
b.      The time between games
c.       The it took to finish a war
d.      The time it took the athletes to train
The answer : B. The time between games
Because in the second paragraph is written “the games that they calculated time in four-year cycles called “Olympiads,” dating from 776 B.C.”

1.      The defendant refused to answer the prosecutor’s questions ____________
a.      Because he was afraid it would incriminate him.
b.      For fear that they will incriminate him
c.       Because he was afraid that his answers would incriminate him
d.      Fearing that he will be incriminated by it
The answer : C. Because he was afraid that his answers would incriminate him
Because ‘questions’ are plural, so it must be followed plural too . such as ‘that his answer’

2.      Mrs. Walker has returned_______________
a.      A wallet back to its original owner
b.      To its original owner the wallet
c.       The wallet to its originally owner
d.      The wallet to its original owner
The answer : D. The wallet to its original owner
The word “originally” is a adverb. To give information on the noun “owner” we should use an adjective which is original.
3.      The hospital owes____________ for the construction of the new wing.
a.      The government twenty million dollars
b.      For the government twenty million dollars
c.       To the government twenty million dollars
d.      Twenty million of dollars to the government
The answer : A. The government twenty million dollars
Because after subject and verb, and continued is complement

4.      Sarah ____________ that she could not attend classes next week.
a.      Told to her professors
b.      Said her professors
c.       Told her professors
d.      Is telling her professors
The answer : C. Told her professors
Because the right arrangement not using “to” . so the right choice is D

5.      The artist was asked to show some paintings at the contest because___________
a.      He painted very good
b.      They believed he painted well
c.       Of their belief that he was an good artist
d.      The judges had been told of his talents
The answer : B. They believed he painted well
Because Of the four answers, the right arrangement is B because after verb (painted) we need adverb (well) not adjective.

6.      If motorists do not observe the traffic regulations, they will be stopped, ticketed, and have to pay a fine.

The right sentence :  If motorists do not observe the traffic regulations, they will be stopped, ticketed, and have to be paid a fine.
Because stopped and ticketed in the passive , and ‘have to pay must in passive too. And then changed to ‘have to be paid’

7.      Fred, who usually conducts the choir rehearsals, did not show up last night because he had an accident on his way to the practice.
The right sentence :  Fred, who usually conducts the choir rehearsal, did not show up last night
because he had an accident on his way to the practice.

Because the accident is already happen before his show up, we should use the past perfect tense. 

8.      A short time before her operation last month, Mrs. Carlyle dreams of her daughter who lives overseas.
The right sentence : A short time before her operation last month, Mrs. Carlyle dreamed of her daughter who lives overseas.

Because the dream process is already happen before her operation, we should use the past perfect tense.

9.      The atmosphere in AndalucĂ­a is open, warm, and gives a welcome feeling to all who have the good fortune to visit there.

The right sentence :  The atmosphere in AndalucĂ­a is open, warm, and gives a welcome feeling to all that have the good fortune to visit there.

Because The sentence must be parallelism. Open and warm are an adjective.  So must be following with adjective too. Gives a welcome feeling is a new clause. We should change it with welcome.

10.  Some of the people were standing in the street watched the parade, while others were singing songs.

 The right sentence : Some people were standing in the street watched the parade, while other were singing songs.
Because  The word "some" is not followed by "of the"  and the word is omitted.

Selasa, 03 April 2012

Bali Shopping Guide

Shopping in Bali can offer excellent bargains, and best buys include modern artwork & fine paintings, leather goods, casual summer clothing, shoes, jeans, DVDs, T-shirts, traditional and modern furniture and pottery, hand carved wooden statues and screens, silver and gold work, hand-woven and painted cottons and silks, batiks, embroidered garments for casual wear, leather and cotton bags, bone carvings, shell ornaments, masks, pottery, ceramics, basketry, sandstone statues, bamboo furniture are all available.

For those who do not want to wander too far from the beach, Sanur, Kuta and Legian have more than enough to appease any shopper's withdrawal symptoms. From sarongs to sandals, wooden statues to Javanese puppets, silver to surf boards.

Two good department stores serve the local community in Denpasar. Jalan Gajah Mada has many handicraft and souvenir shops that stock similar items to those found elsewhere on the island.

Ubud is the place to go if you want to take home a unique canvas or two. For more items, please see list below:

Antiques - Batubulan
Art - Ubud
Bamboo - Bona
Ceramics - Campuhan, Kapal, Tabanan
Clothes - Kuta, Legian, Seminyak, Ubud
Jewellery - Celuk, Denpasar - Jalan Hasanuddin
Masks - Singapadu
Music - Kuta, Legian
Puppets - Klungkung, Sukawati, Gianyar
Stone carving - Batubulan, Jimbaran Gallery
Textiles - Sidemen, Kampunggelgel, Klungkung Market, Batuan, Negara, Singaraja, Tampaksiring, Peliatan, Denpasar - Jalan Sulawesi
Toys - Mas, Tampaksiring, Peliatan
Wood carvings - Mas, Kemenuh, Buruan, Tegallalang, Pujung, Nyuh-kuning

Traditional Markets
Bali is known as a treasure house of interesting goods to buy. Products of various kinds from traditional antiques to the latest quality fashions in extraordinary displays await the shoppers. It is quite common to bargain in markets, shops and art shops for buyers, so having a good price is partly dependent upon one's smartness in bargaining. Splendid local hand woven materials, silver and gold works, woodcarvings, garments and many other interesting things can be found at any market or art market. You will find that shops selling similar items are generally grouped together. This makes comparing prices easy as you just have to go next shop to find the something. Remember to bring your cash, as not all places accept credit cards.

The Kumbasari Market near the river gives an interesting overview of an Indonesia market with household wares and clothing on the third level, spices and dried goods on the second level and traditional food markets in the basement but it can be a bit dark in the basement. Nearby is Jalan Hasanuddin, a whole street of gold shops, selling 18-22 carat gold jewelry. Not far away from Jalan Hasanuddin is Jalan Sulawesi where all manner of fabrics are available. The whole street consists of fabric stores on both sides with a few household ware stores in between.

Kuta Art Market has a multitude of shops selling a wide variety of goods including, sarongs, handicrafts, jewelry, clothing, furniture and leather goods. You can find some good pieces if you look carefully and smart bargain.

Sanur's main shopping street is Jalan Danau Tamblingan and it is more peaceful then shopping in Kuta.
Sanur has an interesting variety of shops with lots of nice restaurants.There are still a few hawkers but they are not as aggressive, except at the beach market. You can find woodcarvings, sarongs and other handicrafts in Sanur Art Market.

Nusa Dua
Nusa Dua has traditional markets at the entrance way to the
Nusa Dua complex of 5 star hotels where you can still find some bargains or dine at the small restaurants within the market complex.. The main shopping complex is the Bali Collection within the hotels complex which has a variety of restaurants and stores.

Sukawati has a new art market and a traditional market on the main road and side streets. Set in a two-floor building, the market sells everything from statues to dance costumes, all at reasonable prices. A large assortment of woven baskets can be found here along with Balinese ceremonial items made from colorful "Prada" - gold painted cloth. These include dance costumes, fans, umbrellas and clothes worn at tooth filings and weddings. Bargaining is a must.

The area of
Ubud often regarded as the cultural center of Bali. It is where the image of Bali as a land of artists was created. Ubud gives you the opportunity to see the real Bali. The Ubud Market has kept much of its traditional charm, with squatting Balinese sellers haggling loudly among spices and vegetables. The market also sells handicrafts, many made in the neighboring villages of Mas, Tegalalang, and more.

The Meaning of Love

To love someone unconditionally means that you love the person exactly as they are,

exactly as they were before, and exactly as they will be in the future – because people

change all the time, so if you love the person, you will love them even if they become

something you disagree with. How many parents can say that about their kids? How

many people can say that about their “lover”? Love is not about you or your pleasure or

your amusement. It’s not about what you get out of it or what the other person can give

to you. It’s not about having a trophy you can show off with and tell people “This is *MY*

girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband/son/daughter/whatever”. You do not “own” anyone.

It’s not about you feeling ‘proud’ to be with someone who always agrees with everything
you say and do and never does

Tugas Softskill Inggris Bisnis 2 (exercise 2)

Red (A) , Blue (B), Green (C), Purple (D)

1. Nobody know when the process of glass-making was invented

The incorrect word is (A) , because ‘Nobody’ is singular subject so the verb must be followed singular verb (+ e/es)

The correct answer : Nobody knows whe the process of glass-making was invented

2. The languages of the world presents a vast array of structural similarities and Differences

The incorrect word is (A), because ‘The languages’ are plural subject so the verb must be followed plural verb (- e/es)

The correct answer : The languages of the world present a vast array of structural similarities and differences

3. The rise of multinationals have resulted in a great deal of legal ambiguity because multinationals can operate in so many jurisdictions

The incorrect word is (A), because ‘The rise’ is singular verb so the verb must be followed singular verb (has)

The correct answer : The riseof multinationals has resulted in a great deal of legal ambiguity because multinationals

4. All of the east-west interstate highways in the United States has even numbers, while north-south interstate highways are odd-numbered

The incorrect word is (A), because ‘All of the east-west interstate highways in United States’ are plural subject so the verb must be followed plural verb (have)

The correct answer : All of the east-west interstate highways in the United States have even numbers, while north-south interstate highways are odd-numbered

5. When a massive star in the large Mgelanic Cloud exploded in 1987, a wave of ‘neutrinos were detected on Earth

The incorrect word is (C) because ‘a wave of neutrinos’ is singular subject, so must be followed singular verb (was)

The correct answer : When a massive star in the large Mgelanic Cloud exploded in 1987, a wave of neutrinos was detected on Earth

6. Every open space in the targeted area that has grass and a few bushes are occupied by the white-crowned sparrow

The incorrect word is (C) because ‘a few bushes’ is singular subject, so must be followed singular verb (is)

The correct answer : Every open space in the targeted area that has grass and a few bushes is occupied by the white-crowned sparrow

7. Krakatoa is remembered as the volcano that put so much ash into the air that sunsets around the world was affected for two years afterward

The incorrect word is (C) because ‘that sunsets’ are plural subject so must be followed plural verb (were)

The correct answer : Krakatoa is remembered as the volcano that put so much ash into the air that sunsets around the world were affected for two years afterward

8. The term “Yankee” was originally a nickname for people from New England, but now anyone from United State are referred to as a Yankee’

The incorrect word is (B), because ‘anyone from United State’ is singular subject so must be followed singular verb (is)

The correct answer : The term “Yankee” was originally a nickname for people from New England, but now anyone from United State is referred to as a Yankee’

9. A network of small arteries, mostly sandwiched between the skin and the underlying supply blood to the face and scalp

The incorrect word is (C), because the skin and the underlying are plural subject, so must be followed plural verb (+e/es)

The correct answer : A network of small arteries, mostly sandwiched between the skin and the underlying supplies blood to the face and scalp

10. Mesquites is a small tree in the southwest who can withstand the severest drought

The incorrect word is (C), because “Mesquites” is a thing (noun) , if a subject is thing using which, and if a subject is person using who.

The correct answer : Mesquites is a small tree in the southwest which can withstand the severest drought